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The accountants you need

With EDEPO on your team, you can focus on what you do best, while we take care of your accounting, tax and business processes

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Knowledge and business experience

Our team is here to help and guide you on everything you need and to provide services with dedication and skill

Our clients trust us

Foto de cliente

A very comprehensive team, professional attitude but friendly. You feel comfortable while working with them. Information is clear. They find solutions to unexpected problems. New discreet and cozy offices. After working with many other accountants, I definetely choose EDEPO.

Joyería Hermida

Trabajo de oficina background
Trabajador de construccion
Trabjo de oficina

We know your industry

With more than 20 years of experience as accountants in tens of industries, we have the experience and knowledge to add value.

Learn more about us

Contact us

Av. de María Victoria Moreno 23, Bajo

36003 Pontevedra


986 84 84 00



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© 2022 EDEPO Economistas Auditores S.L. Todos los derechos reservados.